
Free your mind.



                             "To promote prosperity, creativity, entrepreneurship,
                            and innovation by combating the theft of U.S. property,
                                                      and for other purposes."
                                                                      —H.R. 3261

       We are the children the information age. The age of technological advances, the age of online piracy, the age of tumblr reblogging, the age of music torrenting, online movie-watching, youtube video cover songs and Rebecca Black(Perhaps we aren't so proud of that last one, but we must take the good with the bad I suppose). This is a part of our culture, our way of life. What kind of sane-minded average income human can afford to buy every song from every Beatles album on I-tunes? What kind of person would actually purchase a copy of 'The Human Centipede', when one can can watch it online and never have its case linger in the shelf with the Harry Potter Blu-rays, forever being reminded of the grotesque images every time you pass by the shelf?

       Meet the S.O.P.A bill. It has been designed to drain us of our culture and force us to live in a world where youtube videos with catchy LMFAO background music are a felony. A world where pockets are drained of every last penny due to mass amounts of I-tunes EP purchases. This is the beginning of the 2012 apocalypse. Not only will we die cold, hungry and broken, we will die without pirated background music to lighten the mood.

       S.O.P.A, the Stop Online Piracy Act was brought forth in October of 2012. Although draining all happiness from our souls was not a main objective, through blocking online pirating sites and strictly policing the web for any small copyright infringement (Maximum 5 years in Prison), SOPA will indeed do just that. It is speculated that many user-propelled sites such as Youtube, Vimeo and Flikr will see the devastation and most likely will be shut down as a result.

Free your mind, free music, free creativity.
Free the Internet.

To read more about S.O.P.A and the leeches that are attempting to suck the life out of our existence, click here.