
Free your mind.



"It's hard to fail, but it's worse to have never tried to succeed."

I have a major pet peeve. Well, actually I have an entire list of major pet peeves including excessively loud gum chewers, purposely producing improper grammar, singing along to songs on movies that others are trying to watch in peace, and rap music. I could go on a rant about the things that drive me batty for hours,spending most of that time ranting about rap music, and how 'Hoes, money and bling' shall never be a part of the three elements (thank-you Dan Le Sac), but I shall stop myself here.

       One of the things that I can't stand is laziness. Don't get me wrong, laziness in itself isn't what knots my innards. It's laziness accompanied with complaints and 'I wishes'. Do you wish that you were smart? Read a book. Do you wish that you were thinner? Exercise. Do you wish that you were healthy? Eat right. There's a study that shows that if you fill your refrigerator with healthy food, you are more likely to eat healthy food. There's also a study that has found me, at times, to be blatantly sarcastic.


       If you find yourself envying someone else's life, chances are that you're doing so because you do not have that life. You most likely do not have that life because you're spending every possibly productive daylight hour wishing that you did. This soon becomes a vicious cycle, until you finally decide to break free. This is the first step.

       Often times when you make that first step towards the right direction, you are so pleased by the results that succeeding becomes contagious. It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are not. Succeeding is a disease
and oddly enough there's nobody waiting in line at the nearest medical facility to be cured. Once you begin, you become unstoppable. I am tired of hearing excuses. "I don't have time", "I can't, it's too hard". The holocaust was hard. Stop wishing and start doing. Odds are that the person you envy didn't have fortune and health fall into their laps. They didn't wake up one day to a fresh pillow of crisp dollar bills, a fountain of knowledge or rock hard abs. Chances are they worked for every reward. Throw away your complaints, because your motivation begins now.

       Pick up the book 'The Happiness Project', indulge, and take initiative. UNLESS you are overjoyed to partake in your lazy life which I am okay with, but the second that you begin to complain, is the second that I threaten to devour every inch of your first born child. :)

After all, sometimes life can be tough.;)


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