
Free your mind.


Color and chocolate chip cookies.

"Color: (noun) The property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light."

       Something that has always perplexed me beyond the realms of understanding is color. Not so much the understanding of the concept or how it is used, but the possibility that each individual may interpret each hue, shade and tone differently. In my mind, I have my own understanding of the color blue. When I was younger, my mother would point to a color and tell me that it was blue. Was I seeing the same color that she was seeing, or could it have been a different color in my mind entirely? Even though the eyes cones and rods are for the most part built the same - interpreting the basic blacks, whites, reds, greens and blues - the way that our brain perceives those color signals could be of a completely different nature.

       If I had grown up learning that the color I saw each time that I had I viewed the ocean was associated with the word blue, I would forever think that the ocean is blue. Strangely enough, I may be actually seeing your 'red' as my 'blue' or in reverse. There's no way of actually telling if each person interprets color differently, but it's quite interesting to think about.

       Oh, and lately I've been having a mad chocolate chip cookie craving. ;)

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